Séance durant 1h - 160 €
Booste ton moral et ta confiance avec la colorimétrie ! Découvre comment certaines couleurs peuvent te donner une mine radieuse, atténuer tes cernes et faire pétiller ton regard.
En adoptant les nuances qui te vont le mieux, tu rayonneras en toutes circonstances.
1. Discovery interview, send your photos
2. Remote application of the 12 seasons method (a cutting-edge methodfor researching an individual's natural colors) using a set ofLE REFLET _ trad en anglais 13professional digital fabrics specially designed for online sessions.
3. Learning color harmonies and their symbolic meaning
4. Delivery of a summary e-book containing the complete session.
- In-depth knowledge of the colors that bring out the best in you
- Learn how to combine colors to become more creative
- Master color symbolism
- Introduction to Make-Up with your personalized palette
- Shop more consciously because you know what suits you
"Delighted with this colorful experience. Ophélie studied my profilebeforehand, with photos I'd sent her. And then we had a visio where sheexplained in detail the colors that suit me, but also harmonies, prints andsurprising color info."
- Lise