Your sweet program
• My Colors & Harmonies
Explore the colors that illuminate your essence.
• My Figure & Complexes
Plunge into an intimate session where you play with fabrics, cuts andproportions.
• My Style & Vision
Create your authentic style, expressing your personal vision while flirtingwith trends.
• Sensory Exploration
Inner journey through a sensory experience, revealing all your facets.
• My New Looks Dressing
Together, let's create looks that reveal your newessence, exploring creative styling to reveal your authenticity.
• My Personal Shopping
Explore a new look in-store.
• My Professional Shoot
Immortalize your transformation with a shoot, capturing the moment youradiate your true beauty.
• My safe space:
Follow-up in Visio (1h) +1 Month
An intimate visio to discuss your progress, set new goals and maintain the trust built.
Unlimited WhatsApp support so that you never doubt again (throughout the entire route, during working hours and even at weekends if you're in the know).
reveal yourself.
Reconnect with your whole being and embrace every aspect of yourpersonality, your life.
Free up mental space so that your style can be an ally, encouraging you to livelife to the full. No longer a preoccupation.
Reconcile yourself with your wardrobe and put an end to those morningswhen you think "I've got nothing to wear". Regain inspiration, pleasure and balance.
Challenge yourself with Jeu, my playful, tailor-made challenges, to get youeven deeper into practicing style tips and exploring yourself.
Explore your style with stylish tips and personalized recommendations. Morethan a makeover, it's a conversation between you and clothes. Between youand the world.
Boost your self-worth and rediscover the joy of looking in the mirror. Feelproud of who you are and what you say about yourself.

Reveal yourself is much more than a makeover.
It's an anchoring, a setting in motion.

It's an authentic, creative affirmation.
A new language that connects you to the world and to yourself.
This course is for you if you:
• Aspire to rediscover pleasure and meaning when getting dressed in themorning.
• Feel the need to refocus on yourself after years of devoting yourself to otherpriorities
• Want to energize your professional look and give your career a boost,
• Want to breathe new energy into your established style, which you often findtoo banal
• Want to express all your facets in the right way, following your desires, yourenergy and your lifestyle.
What are you waiting for to reveal yourself?