A few years ago, I was sitting behind my computer screen, wondering what Iwas doing there. As a copywriter in an advertising agency, I felt somethingwas wrong. I was missing that little something, that pride in working forsomething that meant something to me.One day, I simply woke up and told myself that something else was waiting for me.

That's when everything changed. I quit my job and moved to Canada in searchof a new career.
Once I arrived in Montreal, I discovered by chance (if there is such a thing),the profession of Image Consultant.
One day, two customers of the boutique I was working for asked me to comeand sort out their wardrobes for them. Honored by their trust, I accepted.
Itturned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. I realized that I wanted todevote all my energy to the intimate, physical and spiritual development of allthose who would accept my help.
Once back in France, I decided to train as an Image Consultant to acquire solidtechnical and methodological expertise. Today, trained by France's top ImageConsultancy school, ESR - Ecole Supérieure de Relooking - PARIS (level IIIcertification), my vocation is to accompany my clients on a path of selffulfillment, beauty and well-being.

Image Consulting

As the creative and passionate force behind Le Reflet Conseil, I'm committedto guiding bold souls towards self-revelation through style exploration.
My goal is to create a harmonious fusion between your inner essence andyour outer reflection, enabling you to shine with authenticity and confidence inevery aspect of your life.
Personal styling is far from a simple makeover.It's an intimate reconnection with your personality.
A new way of expressing yourself.